Eat healthy breakfast for losing weight

healthy breakfast


healthy breakfast

Breakfast, as we know it, is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast is in fact the most effective method for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Since we have not eaten for the past eight to ten hours before eating breakfast, eating a meal in the morning is necessary to get started. A healthy breakfast gives a kick start to our metabolic system for the day. On the other hand when we skip breakfast we increase our bodies’ tendency to store fats, which can ultimately result in a weight gain. Eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast provides our body with the necessary energy needed to carry out the work for the day. You can have a fiber and protein rich breakfast to keep you full longer and help in reducing hunger cravings. This in turn helps in cutting down calorie intake and hence you lose weight. Your concentration power is also improved because of a healthy breakfast intake and you can work more productively.

When you eat a nutrient rich and healthy meal in the morning, you will feel fresh and active throughout the day. On the other hand when you just have a cookie or donut, you will certainly feel tired and sluggish while working. Therefore you must always make healthy choices for your first meal of the day. Here we have a few tips for you on having a healthy breakfast that can help you lose weight.
• Make sure to choose foods that are rich in proteins and fiber while low in fats and sugar as well. Such foods will keep you full for long. Oatmeal in fat free milk with fruit topping or corn flakes or other whole grain cereals rich in fiber with fat free natural yogurt or fat free milk and again topped with fruits are the best choices of foods for breakfast. You can also select your own recipe for breakfast, but make sure that your breakfast is well balanced and combine a group of food that offer a wide range of vitamins or minerals.
• After choosing the foods that have to be included in your breakfast, you also have to decide on the portion size of that meal. Even if you eat a healthy breakfast in large sizes, you will definitely gain weight in place of losing. For selecting the appropriate portion of your breakfast you can read the labels to count the number of calories in a serving size. Then calculate the amount of calories needed for your breakfast that is equivalent to almost a quarter of daily required calories for weight loss. You can then calculate the portion size of your breakfast.
• You should also limit your coffee and juice intake throughout the day. Although having a glass of fresh juice or a cup of coffee fills you with enormous energy, drinking them also contribute to a large number of calories. In place of juice, opt for the whole fruit, which will provide you with fiber and comparatively less calories than their juices.

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