Simple and easy methods of getting rid of acne at home



The most common skin problem that almost every adolescent and teenager face is acne. Though acne is a naturally occurring skin problem, it can make your face look quite unpleasant and unattractive, it might make you lose confidence in your own self. Sleep deprivation, too much stress, unhealthy eating habits are also some of the major causes of acne. Although your face is the most common place where it occurs, it can also appear on your chest, back and scalp. In this article we shall be discussing a few of the natural ways to get rid of acne.

Baking soda: sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is found in almost every kitchen as it is used to bake cakes and cookies. It is an excellent exfoliant for your skin. It opens the pores of the skin and removes the dead skin cells. Moreover, the mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property it beholds makes it a perfect remedy to clear away acne. Mix two spoons of baking soda with water or lemon juice and apply this paste on your face for 10 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.

Oatmeal: dirt and excess oil is cleared away from the skin pores by using a mixture of cooked oatmeal with honey and lemon juice. Rub this mixture on your face and leave it on for around half an hour. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Exfoliate your skin with this mixture twice a week and get rid of that horrible looking acne.

Fuller’s earth: also known as multani mitti, fuller’s earth is a perfect solution for greasy and acne prone skin. It absorbs the excess oil from the skin and unclogs the pores. Make a mud pack by mixing equal proportions of Fuller’s earth, rose water, and sandalwood powder. Apply it on your face and keep it on until dry and then wash it with cold water. You can use this mixture once a week and also get an improved complexion.

Lemon juice: due to its acidic properties, lemon juice can be applied to the face to clear acne right away. Simply rub a lemon slice on the acne affected area for around 5 minutes and then wash with plain water. The acne dries up and withers off themselves, leaving your skin feeling clean and beautiful. You can use it daily, but if your skin is dry, then you can make use of lemon juice every third day.

The do’s and don’ts of acne


If you have acne prone skin, then you should make certain changes in your eating habits in particular. Here are certain do’s and don’ts that can help in preventing acne and are related with women health

  • Eat fibrous fruits and vegetables which are helpful to improve your digestion and also clear away as well as prevent acne.
  • Drink lots of water to flush out toxins from your body and keep acne at bay.
  • Include yogurt in your diet as the good bacteria in it fights off the bacteria that cause acne.
  • Do not touch the acne on your face as the dirt on your hands can trigger the acne.
  • Avoid scrubbing your face as it aggravates acne causing it to multiply.
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