Obesity is a Health Risk That’s on the Rise


Some of the diseases that can be caused by obesity are liver ailments, joint pains, diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hyperlipidemia, palsy, heart ailments, female infertility, decrease libido, arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis, mental stress, and menstrual abnormalities. The list can go on and on. A person that is considered obese is a person with a body mass index over 30. In theory the causes of obesity are consumption of fatty foods, genes, food habits, lack of exercise, endocrine problems, and laziness.
Below are some remedies people utilize for getting out of obesity.
• Liposuction: This is a surgical procedure in which fat is sucked out the body by utilizing a needle that is inserted into the body.
• Surgery: Usually this process involves surgery on the stomach and intestines to reduce food consumption.
• Diet pills: Most of the diet pills are for short term use. Diet pills are only effective if they are used in conjunction with a diet and exercise.
• Fat burning pills: These are short term pills. However the results don’t last long. Once you stop taking this medication you start gaining the fat back.
• Exercise: It is one of the best techniques for obesity reduction. There are no side effects because exercise is natural
• Dieting routine: This is natural just like exercise. A certain amount of food is consumed, which controls the development of fat in the body.
• Acupressure and acupuncture
Whatever method you chose to reduce obesity, just know that the best methods are the natural ones such as diet and exercise. Taking diet pills will have some effects, but will not last long.
Aside from the physical effects of obesity, you may also feel unhappy, rejected, and may keep away from social gatherings. If you are experiencing obesity you should start acting on it now. Before choosing your remedy for losing weight consult with your doctor first to get their views and recommendations.

Photo credit: Obesity #1. By Ingo Bernhardt

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