Does eating differently colored veggies help you lose weight?


Does eating differently colored veggies help you lose weight?

Vegetables may be in any bright color–red, green, yellow, orange, purple… However attractive the colors may seem to you, each one comes to you loaded with basic nutrients. So, if you are overweight, a plate full of vegetable salad every day could help you shake off the extra weight and slim down overall. Wouldn’t you like to look younger and feel fitter?

Many of these vividly-colored vegetables have significant health benefits such as reducing your cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many such diseases. Just 2.5 cups a day can prevent you from succumbing to medical conditions no one ever welcomes. Let’s check out these soldiers of our good health.


Why should we eat differently colored veggies? Some people are used to certain foods so therefore they rarely like to try new foods especially vegetables. When our vegetables are divided on the basis of colors, there is more of a variety to choose from. These differently colored vegetables contain important nutrients called phytonutrients.

To be in good health and shed unwanted pounds, it is important to choose one vegetable of a different color and eat this multi-colored bowl of salad. This kind of diet keeps cancer, diabetes and heart disease away from you. For weight management, it is better to eat more of green, white and black foods rather than orange, red and yellow foods.

Let’s check out the different colors and flavors of good health and weight management:

Green vegetables: These vegetables include avocado, cabbage, bamboo shoots, asparagus, broccoli, cucumbers, spinach and zucchini. They are not rich in fats but are nutritious and therefore healthy for everyone, especially for weight watchers. Not only can you lose weight by eating these veggies but it also has a positive impact on your moods and keeps you stress-free.


If you have sufficient folic acid, it will help to metabolize your protein content well and stabilize your insulin levels, thus reducing belly fat storage and keep you slim.

Blue/Purple vegetables: Loaded with anthocyanins, purple vegetables include eggplant, blue potatoes and red cabbage. They are powerful antioxidants that get rid of free radicals that cause premature aging. They also reduce abdominal weight.

Phytonutrients aren’t the only advantage that these vegetables offer you. They are also rich in fiber, so eating a bowl full of veggies keeps you full for long. This means you end up eating much lesser than before and so lose weight. Thus, no matter which vegetable group you discuss, they are all geared to shed your extra pounds.

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