Honey is a wonderful alternative to refined sugar when cooking desserts or sweets. Honey is considered healthy, while refined sugar is not. Honey is slowly metabolized by the body compared to sugar. Although honey is healthy it can be a little challenging to cook with. Many people don’t know how to cook with honey. Once you learn how to cook with honey it becomes easy to cook with.
One challenge of cooking with honey is that it burns easier than regular sugar. This challenge is usually solved when you bake or cook with honey at a lower temperature. Another main challenge when cooking with honey is that it’s liquid. Using honey can mess up some dishes if you don’t adjust the recipe for the liquid honey adds. You can make most easy quick breads, yeast breads, muffins, and etc. with honey without having to make adjustments. You should decrease the amount of liquids in recipes for cookies, cakes, and etc. to account for some of the honey. Honey is easy to add to pies because they are already somewhat liquidly. You can replace the sugar with honey into your pie and if the pie filling seems too runny, just add thickener before adding it to your pie shell or crust.
Sometimes when cooking with honey, the flavor can be a problem. If you don’t want the flavor of honey to be dominant, then there are some things you can try. Use honey that has a very mild flavor, this can be a very pale clover honey. Generally the more pale the honey is then the milder the flavor and the sweeter it is. If you want, you can try using part honey with other sweetening ingredients such as stevia, agave nectar, apple juice concentrate and even sugar if you want.
Top photo credit: Honey pot with some honey by MyTudut
In text photo credit: butternut squash pie sweetened with honey. not a huge hit by cafemama