Consume Hair Vitamins and Minerals to get Healthy Hair

There are different hair vitamins and minerals out there that can help someone get healthy hair. Not getting enough hair vitamins can cause thinning hair or total baldness in more serious cases. The condition of a person hair can reflect the overall condition of the body. More hair vitamins may be needed if a person is ill or malnourished, the hair will show damage and may stop growing.

Some of the most important hair vitamins to obtain healthy hair are B6, biotin, folic acid, and inositol. The best way to make sure you are getting enough of these vitamins is to consume vitamin supplements. It is not just hair vitamins that are needed for healthy hair but minerals such as sulphur, silica, zinc, and magnesium is needed as well.
The most important hair vitamin is vitamin A but the best way to consume vitamin A is by including beta-carotene in your diet; because Vitamin A can be harmful if taken in large quantities but beta-carotene doesn’t have that problem and is converted into vitamin A by the body, which can be used to stimulate healthy hair. Vitamin A isn’t just a hair vitamin, it is needed for other functions including normal growth of bones, nails, skin, and the sheath surrounding nerve fibers.
Protein is another important hair vitamin because hair itself is basically protein. The amount of protein a person consumes can affect the hair directly. Consuming a lot of protein can lead to better hair growth and a fuller head of hair. Insufficient protein in the diet can lead to slow hair growth and thin hair.

Vitamins and minerals are not the only things needed when it comes to strong healthy hair. Researchers have found a connection between the condition of a person hair and their overall health. If a person is not getting enough sleep or is under a lot of stress then the hair is likely to be affected and their diet most likely will not provide enough hair vitamins to stop these effects. Vitamins and mineral supplements for the hair can help repair damaged and weak hair.

Top photo credit: Blond long-haired young lady woman girl watching the surfers at Morro Bay, CA by mikebaird

In text photo credit: hair-larious by everyplace

Get Pampered, Attractive, and Soft Feet

Are you one of the millions of women who don’t like their feet because it’s dry and cracked?
If you tried different creams, medications or pumice stones with little or no results or don’t have enough money to visit the spa for weekly pedicures, don’t worry. You can achieve results for your feet in the comfort of your own home.

According to Dr. Jeffrey Best, a Podiatrist 25 percent of his patients complains about having corns, calluses, and dryness. Pedicures are a very popular spa treatment possibly because of unattractive feet, which adds to the billions of dollars being made in the spa industry. Pedicures are no longer just about having beautiful polished toe nails. Cracked, dry and sometimes painful feet not only hinder the foot appearance, but it can cause infections.
For a safe and healthy pedicure at home use only podiatrist approved tools. For example you can use a heel smoother that safely and quickly remove cracked, calloused, and dry skin. You can purchase a battery operated hand held heel smoother with a diamond crystal buffing tip that makes your feet soft, smooth, and attractive. A pedicure at home is simple to do. You can light candles to get in the mood. We show you how to have a home pedicure experience below.

*To soften dry and calloused feet soak them in a warm bubble bath. Afterwards dry your feet off completely with a soft towel.
*Rotate a heel smoother across the feet in circular motions to exfoliate. Don’t hold the heel smoother in the same spot for more than 2 seconds.
*Use a good quality emery board that is brand new, to buff and shape the nails.
*Protect and moisturize the skin by rubbing lotion on the feet. For seriously cracked heels or calluses, apply lotion again before bedtime. Wear socks in bed to keep feet soft and moisturized.
*Polish your toenails if you want. Let them dry and you’re done.

Top photo credit: foot bath by najjie

In text photo credit: Woman’s Feet Holding Pink Rose Fresh Pedicure by Pink Sherbet

Healthy Eating for Students

Eating at college is an entire new experience for college students. Ordering pizza and eating at fast food restaurants are common. Even though these foods taste great and is convenient, most of them are not healthy for students. Some of the food choices students make can affect whether or not they catch mononucleosis when it hits their campus and whether or not they are able to stay awake during class. It’s not just about eating fast-food, but it’s about not getting the right amount of carbs, minerals, proteins, and vitamins you need as well.

Minerals and vitamins are very important when it comes to protecting the body against different illnesses; and all because minerals and vitamins are important, doesn’t mean you have to buy up every vitamin supplements you see; it’s best that you get these nutrients from food.
You can eat healthy foods in your school cafeteria or buy them from the grocery store. You can find Vitamin A in milk and dairy products, Vitamin C in citrus fruits and Vitamin E in whole wheat products, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. This is the best way to get the nutrition you need. Your body relies on different vitamins for different reasons.

When you eat in your college cafeteria avoid drinking the sodas and head straight to the juice machines. Look around for different options that are available. Go to the salad bar and look for fresh vegetables. If you have a microwave in your dorm room or if there is one available in the cafeteria try to put some broccoli or cauliflower in the microwave for steamed vegetables. There should be some healthy cereals and fresh fruit available in the college cafeteria.
Eating healthy includes eating a well-balanced diet and consuming the right nutrients to keep your body in good health. Remember that eating healthy is not just about avoiding unhealthy foods.

Top photo credit: College Students by CollegeDegrees360

In text photo credit: Junk Food 365.06 by loonyhiker

Change your Diet to Lower your Cholesterol

High cholesterol in the blood can trigger a stroke and heart disease. For some people lowering your cholesterol is just a matter of changing your diet. Others may need to take prescribed medications in addition to a diet. You can save your life by lowering your cholesterol.
There is a difference between changing your diet to lose weight and changing your diet to lower your cholesterol level. Losing weight will definitely improve your health but you need to monitor your diet to eliminate foods that cause high cholesterol levels.

All because you are maintaining your diet doesn’t mean get rid of the foods you enjoy. There are plenty of foods that are good and healthy for you. For example, you can eat five or more servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Six or more servings per day of Grain food products. Also you can consume 6 ounces per day of skinless poultry and lean meats. You can eat Low fat or no fat milk, peas, beans, limited amounts of nuts and seeds, and 2-3 servings per week of baked or broiled fatty fish. Use vegetable oils such as corn or olive oils when preparing or cooking foods. You can use different herbs and spices to give your food great flavor.
To lower your cholesterol there are different foods that you can eliminate from your diet. Avoid ice cream and whole milk. Also avoid egg yolks, butter, cheese and the foods that contain them you can remove them from your diet as well. Avoid organ meats such as liver, high fat processed meats such as hot dogs and sausages and limit your consumption of fried foods.

To eat healthy you have to know how to change your diet and prepare your foods. If you can’t lower your cholesterol by your diet and exercise, you may be prescribed medication by your physician. Your quality of life will improve and your risk of other health problems will reduce if you lower your cholesterol by eating healthy. High cholesterol is a serious health issue and you can reverse it and avoid health problems if you take action to fix it.

Top photo credit: Cholesterol emboli by Boonyarit Cheunsuchon

In text photo credit: Day 54 Doctors Appointment by Happydog

Natural Health for Women

It is very obvious that women and men are different in many ways, especially in their physical appearance. This is the noticeable difference, however there are different internal differences as well, including the regulation of hormonal secretions and the different type of secretions. Also women are prone to more diseases than their male counterparts.
Many women are leaning towards natural health and it is making a difference in their lives. You probably know that eating unrefined foods and low-fat foods that do not contain preservatives are important, but as a woman do you know what nutrients and vitamins you are more than likely to lack? Not acknowledging the situation can reduce your quality of life. Poor health habits will affect you in everything you do. It will show in your eyes and on your skin. You will have lack of energy that shows. Remember the saying “you are what you eat”. Your body will reveal you’re eating habits.

This is Lulu, an expert in indigenous health. She is Native Hawaiian and during her doctoral studies and since getting her doctorate (I think in public health?) with a focus in indigenous health, she has worked with indigenous communities all around Hawai'i and the lower 48, and now, for the first time, in Alaska (in Dillingham, SW Alaska). Her next goal? Global indigenous health.

To reverse the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle you can turn to natural women’s health. A natural women health routine should include drinking more water, getting more sleep, and getting proper nutrition. This is very important especially if you plan to conceive in the future or is pregnant now. If you want to have a baby one day, you have to make sure your body is functioning well by restoring and maintaining good health through natural methods. If you are pregnant now make sure your body is replacing the nutrients your unborn baby is consuming.
There are certain foods out there that benefit woman metabolisms, which is very beneficial because it is generally harder for a woman to lose weight than a man. Another important part of natural women’s health is regulating your PMS and the menstrual cycle. It’s a way to make sure your body is carrying out its natural functions and gets all the nutrients it needs to function.

Many women are changing their lifestyle to a more natural healthier one. Women already have enough to worry about on a daily basis. So it’s best to give yourself a chance at being the best you can be. When your body is functioning well and your healthy you will be able to face the challenges that come your way. Your body will benefit when you are taking action to live a natural healthy lifestyle.

Top photo credit: Lulu by lauritadianita

In text photo credit: Expo EcoSalud 2009 (50) by calafellvalo

Eat more Root Vegetables for Good Health

I know that some of us do not like eating vegetables, but despite some of us not liking them they are good for the body. Our elders know that fruits and vegetables are good for us and it is known that fresh produce can help keep the body in optimum health. We sometimes skip eating the root vegetables either because we do not like the taste or we don’t know how to best prepare them. Root vegetables are very nutritional and we should consume them more. I will provide information that will hopefully encourage you to pick out root vegetables when you are in the produce section of the grocery store.

Let’s talk about the infamous carrot. Baby carrots are sealed in plastic bags after being peeled and washed. They make for good snacks. Carrots should be acknowledged for their versatility and variety. For example, all carrots are not orange. You can find red, white, yellow, and purple carrots. They can be used in different recipes and provide different colors to your dish. Carrots can be added to salads and broths to enhance and add flavor. Carrots can give cakes and muffins more texture, moisture, and flavor. Add grated carrots, grated onions, and cream cheese to a food processor and spread it on bread or toast for a delicious snack. You can use carrots in so many ways. Just use your imagination when creating dishes with carrots.
The people in Finland and Sweden love cooking rutabagas with confidence. The rutabaga and turnip aren’t in most American dishes, in other words Americans don’t eat rutabagas and turnips that much. It’s true that turnip greens are popular in the south but what about the root vegetable? To make it clear rutabagas are a cross between turnips and cabbages, but they are used like a turnip when cooking them. You can add rutabagas or turnips or both to mashed potatoes to improve the nutrition and flavor. Try making turnip custard or combine rutabagas with apples for a tasty baked casserole. You can even puree rutabagas and season it and serve it with meat.

You can try eating the jicama. The jicama is often seen in the salad bar. This starchy sweet root vegetable is a great addition to potato salad or stir fry. Jicama has a unique crunchy texture. You can grate it or cube it and add it to different dishes. Try this recipe: toss cilantro, jalapeno, and vinegar together and put grilled shrimp on a bed of jicama. Yummy!
When visiting the fruits and vegetable section don’t overlook the roots. You can try parsnips, beets, and radishes. They offer flavor to dishes and is healthy.

Top photo credit: carrots – 4 color bunches by agrilifetoday

In text photo credit: jicama by kthread

Vacuums can make your Home Healthier

For most of us, doing housework can be very tedious. It’s something that most of us do not like doing, but doing housework brings great results, such as a nice clean and comfortable house. Housework can be something we need to do to maintain our health. For example, housework can come in handy for people who suffer from allergies. Having the right vacuum cleaner can help someone maintain their health.

In today’s time we are exposed to more allergens than ever, allergens or substances can cause a lot of irritation to people with predisposed sensitivity to them. Allergies are listed as a non-life threatening condition. However allergies can become potentially lethal, particularly in the very young and elder. So anything that can help people who suffer from allergies overcome it should be looked at.
A great vacuum cleaner can work wonders and make a difference in the fight against allergens that may be present in the home. It can be anything from dust mites or pet hairs that cause an allergic reaction in you or other people that live in your home. Picking out a vacuum cleaner with this in mind can help you maintain your environment and greatly reduce the symptoms of allergies.

Vacuum cleaners that mostly and effectively control allergies have technology known as high efficiency particulate arresting, or HEPA. It was developed by the government in the 1950’s to protect people in the services against radioactive particles. The promoters of the technology claim that it can remove 99.7% of particles from the air when used in air purifiers. Transformed into the vacuum cleaner, the technology assists in removing the entire allergy causing substances that resides on carpets and upholstery. It creates a safer home environment for allergy sufferers in the home.
If you suffer from allergies, try investing in an allergy fighting vacuum cleaner. Do some housework with the vacuum cleaner and whoever benefits from it will thank you for improved health.

Top photo credit: I shouldn’t have to vacuum twice a day, but I do. by Kristin Brenemen

In text photo credit: Day 260 Allergies by Parrchristy

Dogs or Pet Ownership Offer Health Benefits

Can you believe it that dogs provide health benefits. Owning a dog or other pet in general can help you in different ways. Owning a pet can reduce doctor visits, improve mental wellness, improve cardiovascular health, and increase faster recovery from surgery in addition to higher survival rates. Recent studies state that dogs may be capable of identifying cancer on a person’s breath. Let’s look more into the health benefits of pet ownership.

Dog owners have lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure than people without dogs, which in return reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases. Just patting a pet can reduce blood pressure. According to a University study, the benefits remain without your pet being around. Studies done by hospitals show that seniors and recent post-op people react better to treatment and recover quicker while in the presence of dogs or other therapy animals. Dog owners have a higher chance to survive a serious illness than people without dogs. Studies have shown that a pet affected a person’s survival rate more than the company of family members or friends. According to studies at Cambridge and UCLA there is a direct correlation between owning a pet and improved health that leads to less visits to your doctor. According to The Journal of American Geriatrics Society, pet ownership has a positive effect on a senior, emotionally and physically.
People that own pets have better health mentally and emotionally than people who do not own a pet. Pets offer affection and unconditional love and their presence assists in reducing loneliness. A pet can offer friendship and some safety for disabled or handicapped people. Dogs are used as companions for the blind and disabled. Dogs are also used as a form of therapy in nursing homes and hospices. Studies state that people suffering from a major illness fight the stress from having the sickness much better by having a pet dog.

Studies state that certain cancers may be identified through people breaths by using dogs. Researchers presented the dogs to samples of the breath from people with cancer of the lungs and breast and samples from healthy people. The researchers mentioned that the dogs identified cancer with accuracy and good results. The dogs identified 99 percent lung cancer breath samples, which included early stage cancer patients and 88 percent breast cancer samples. Experts state this has promise, but further research must be done.
Owning a pet or having a dog has many benefits. A pet reduce stress levels, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, inspires social interaction and exercise. You should invest in a pet because of the health benefits and joy a pet can bring into your life.

Top photo credit: Dog Fun by Garden State Hiker

In text photo credit: Pets of Patriots by The U.S. Army

Learn the Tips of Food Combining for Better Health Part 2

Previously we have went over why correct food mixture or combining is important and the different groups of food, Now let’s talk about the principles of mixing these items the right way.
Food Combining: Rules
You can avoid indigestion, fermentation, toxicity and water retention, by applying the following simple techniques in eating healthy.
1. Eat sweet fruits with other sweet fruits only. You may combine them with sub-acid fruits.
2. Eat acid fruits alone or with celery and lettuce. In small amounts you may combine them with nuts or avocados and non-starchy vegetables.
3. it’s best to eat olives and avocados with non-starchy vegetables. Mashed avocados can combine well with boiled potatoes.
4. Eat melons alone or leave them alone.

Food Combining: Avoid these Combinations
When doing the correct food combining to eat healthier, below are some combinations you want to avoid.
1. Acid and starch. For example, tomato and potato
2. Protein and Protein. For example, nuts and avocadoes.
3. Starch and Sweets. For example, rice and maple syrup
Food Combining, other food items comments
1. Never eat fresh fruit with cooked meals. Save it for the avocado with caution.
2. Eat lettuce and celery raw. They combine with anything.
3. Eat meat and fish in very small amounts, one at a time and with no or very little starch vegetables solely.
4. Let’s talk about bread. Bread is not produced by nature. If you have to eat bread, eat as little as possible, toasted and with fat and vegetables only. For males, bread has the tendency to throw your sexuality out of place. It’s the reason why some guys have breast, because bread has a high amount of estrogen. Rye, spelt and un-yeasted breads might be okay when eaten in moderation.
5. Eat grains as little as possible. You may combine them with vegetables only.

Food combining, Final suggestions and closing thoughts
1. Never eat until you are truly hungry. Below are some guidelines to let you know when you are truly hungry.
* The mouth will salivate even at the sight of plain lettuce
* The mind is clear and happy
* The stomach desires
* It usually happens during the afternoon when the body is in the building stage.
2. Do not drink any liquids with your meals, because it dilutes the digestive juices in your stomach, which leads to constipation and indigestion.
3. Don’t drink anything but water an hour or two before and or after eating your meals.
4. Concerning the conditions of the human blood doctors found out that acidity is a sign of disease. This happens with the mixture eater when they fill their stomach up daily with starch, meat, fruit, and sweets at the same time.
We have some information that will convince you further. Next time you eat a big dinner. Have your typical menu served for an extra person that doesn’t exist. Empty the extra dinner in a pot using the same amount that you eat and drink yourself. Stir the food completely and bake in an oven at 500 degrees fahrenheit for thirty minutes. Place a top over the pot and leave it overnight. The next day when you remove the top or cover you will be surprised at what you see. The surprise you will see is also in your digestive system and will keep on being there every day as a result of incorrect food combining.
In nature there are no mixtures at all. The most natural and ideal diet is the mono-diet. To be honest one organic fruit should make up a meal and you would be better nourished. However in today’s world eating that simple is just too complicated, which is why you should try an alternative such as following the guidelines mentioned above. Your body will thank you for many years to come if you follow the food combining guidelines properly.

Top photo credit: Melons by KCIvey

In text photo credit: LETTUCE by whologwhy

Learn the Tips of Food Combining for Better Health Part 1

For many of us, we enjoy eating. This activity was intended as a source of nourishment for the body, modern day nutritional innovations avoid the correct food combining methods, they do the opposite. A traditional diet involves mixing everything together in each possible way. The goal is not ease of digestion, but the delight of the senses in a meal. According to Dr. Tilden, “Nature never produced a sandwich-a modern nutritional disgrace”. Such starch-protein combinations are modern origin and like many modern meals today, instead of feeding the body, it really poison it.

Bad food combining creates indigestion, fermentation and gas. In the intestines food is fermenting and putrefying, which is the main cause of constipation, a clogging up of the bodily tissues. When eating for health, the goal should be the simplicity of the meal; which includes the right proper food combining principles, eating the right amount at a time and only eating when you are truly hungry. Some foods take longer to digest than others and should not be eaten with foods that digest faster. Eating one type of food at a time such as fruit or vegetable would be the ideal. Variety is one way to have enjoyment when it comes to food, especially when it comes to health minded people, this should be approached with care.
Food combining: classification of foods
When eating food for health it can be classified as follows:
1. Acid Fruit: Citrus, Lemon, Tomatoes, Berries, Pineapples
2. Sub-Acid Fruit: Most tart apples, Pears, Grapes
3. Sweet Fruits: Tropical fruits, Bananas, Mangoes, Papaya, Dates, Dried fruits, Sweet apples
4. Melons: Cantaloupe, Honey-Dew, Water Melon, etc
5. Fatty: Avocadoes, Olives, Durian, Young coconuts

Nuts and Seeds
Non-Starchy Foods: Green leaves, Carrots, Fruit, Vegetables e.g. Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Zucchini
Starchy: Cooked Vegetables (roots), Grains (if necessary)
Lettuce and Celery:
The above list are foods in different categories, in part two of this article, we will go over the details of the principles of food combining for eating right. We shall tell you more about food combining in part two of this article. Look forward to it soon.

Top photo credit: Citrus Fruits by Indiana Public Media

In text photo credit: Day #290 Nuts and seeds and stuff by edtechie99