Great health is based on flexibility, strength, and fitness. All three are important. Any Aerobic exercise is good for a healthy heart. Usually it needs continued movement over a period of time that uses your arms and legs. This type of workout makes the heart work harder. Aerobics allows your body to burn fat for energy and use oxygen. Cycling is good aerobic activity.
Cycling is a great exercise for people with heart disease or high blood pressure. According to research cycling reduces blood pressure better than more intense activities such as jogging. Eventually cycling conditions and strengthens your heart. It is recommended by The American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine that cycling should be used for low-risk cardiac people and healthy individuals.
The benefits of cycling are increased flexibility, reduce stiffness and ache, keeps you in shape, makes you feel good, increased confidence, increased endurance, reduce nervousness, stimulates sexual desire, strengthen the muscles that supports joints, improve sleep, reduce sleep disorders, improved memory and attentiveness, and increase the ability to perform daily tasks.
You can try biking when you are depressed. Go out biking and take a look at the beautiful world. Go into the fresh air and allow your body to experience happy hormones while cycling, which are natural pain killers. Remember the times when you were younger and you played a lot of sports and games and hang with other kids. Remember the times you ride your bike as a kid and fell off it a lot. Well don’t give up on it. Bicycling is a wonderful way to have fun while staying fit and healthy. There are no age restrictions on biking, you can still ride your bike just as much as you were younger, besides you might meet people along the way while riding your bike.
Top photo credit: Monique van de Ree by
In text photo credit: bike_pink by [dac~]