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You can make this delicious recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This dish includes different vegetables. You can use peas, tomatoes, onion, broccoli, celery, spinach, peppers, potatoes or pumpkin. You can choose the vegetables you desire. You can use leftover vegetables or you can chop up some vegetables and cook them. This dish serves 4 to 5. The combination of eggs and vegetables for this dish makes it a healthy delight.



4 eggs
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon butter
2 cups cooked vegetables

Chop cooked vegetables into small pieces. Crack 4 eggs into a bowl and add the salt and pepper. Next beat the eggs and salt and pepper with a fork. Turn the stove on to medium heat and put butter into the pan to melt over the heat. Add the vegetables to the pan and stir. Add the beaten egg mixture and turn down the heat to low. Cook gently over low heat until the egg mixture is firm. Serve


Photo credit: Mmm…frittata by jeffreyw

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