In since U.S. food manufacturers have to now label the trans-fat content in their foods, some have decided to switch to healthier oils such as coconut and palm. This change is for the better. It will be wonderful if more and more food manufacturers do this as well.
There are some people that don’t know palm oil is a healthy saturated fat. Just like coconut oil, palm oil has been mistaken for being unhealthy for a long time. In actuality palm oil is a really healthy saturated fat. Both oils have been included in the diets of tropical people for thousands of years and helped people to stay healthy and lean for years. Just like coconut oil, palm oil is excellent for frying and baking. It is also very solid and stable at room temperature, therefore it do not need hydrogenation and does not have Trans fatty acids. Trans fat is bad for you, so you should avoid it. According to Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, of the Weston A. Price Foundation, palm oil is a healthy and natural fat consisted of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.
After soy oil, palm oil is the second greatest utilized dietary oil in the world. It is healthier for the body than soy oil. Palm oil doesn’t come from the same palm tree as coconuts. In Africa a palm tree produces small fruits that contain the palm oil. In its original or unprocessed state palm oil is a reddish orange color and a rich source of carotenes and Vitamin E. For some people it can take a little time getting used to unprocessed palm oil because of its strong taste. When palm oil is processed it has the flavor removed and some it’s nutrients. Even if it’s processed it is still better for the body than canola or soy oil.
Switching to palm or coconut oil is better for you. Look for food products that contain non-hydrogenated palm or coconut oil or you can make your own healthy foods with these oils.
Top photo credit: Jukwa Village Palm Oil Production, Ghana by oneVillage Initiative
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In text photo credit: Jukwa Village Palm Oil Production, Ghana by oneVillage Initiative