The Health Benefits of Green Tea and How to Maximize Them

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Drinking a few cups of green tea a day can help you lose weight and improve your health. Next to hot cocoa, green tea is a good beverage to help calm you, especially during cold temperatures. Drink green tea along with a well-balanced diet and exercise routine. Green tea helps raise your metabolism, which helps you burn more fat even while you’re sleeping. All because green tea helps our bodies’ burn off fat more quickly, doesn’t give us the excuse to not do much exercise at the gym. Green tea also oxidizes fat and helps burn fat from around the hips, thighs, and waist. Green tea reduces the appetite. The less calories you consume and the more you burn will help you lose weight. Green tea is a good drink to add to your diet.

Green tea has many health benefits, so people on a diet shouldn’t be the only ones drinking it.
*Green tea will help you reduce your cholesterol levels. It increases the good cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol.
*Green tea has a high content of antioxidants and helps boost your immunity against different viruses such as the flu.
*Green tea helps fight bacteria in the mouth that causes plaque. Drinking green tea can reduce your trips to the dentist.
*Green tea helps us stop memory loss and think more clearly.
*Green tea helps with cancer, heart disease, severe infections, and arthritis.
Maximizing the Benefits of Green Tea

*When making green tea use high quality leaves. The tea should turn a pale green color after soaking it. It’s recommended to drink mildly hot green tea over iced or cold green tea because it has better benefits.
*You should let the tea brew for several minutes to bring out the flavonoids. For better health it is suggested to drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea a day.
*Do not add sugar to your green tea. If you want to make it sweet or enhance its taste try adding some honey, lemon, or skim milk for more health benefits.
*You can consume green tea in the form of a pill to get the benefits of green tea, especially if you don’t like the taste of green tea.
To experience maximum results from green tea add it to your diet on a regular basis. Your diet should be well-balanced. You should also have a good workout routine included with that diet.


Top photo credit: green tea by vordichtung
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In text photo credit: Green tea by KOREA.NET – Official
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