Learn the Tips of Food Combining for Better Health Part 1


For many of us, we enjoy eating. This activity was intended as a source of nourishment for the body, modern day nutritional innovations avoid the correct food combining methods, they do the opposite. A traditional diet involves mixing everything together in each possible way. The goal is not ease of digestion, but the delight of the senses in a meal. According to Dr. Tilden, “Nature never produced a sandwich-a modern nutritional disgrace”. Such starch-protein combinations are modern origin and like many modern meals today, instead of feeding the body, it really poison it.

Bad food combining creates indigestion, fermentation and gas. In the intestines food is fermenting and putrefying, which is the main cause of constipation, a clogging up of the bodily tissues. When eating for health, the goal should be the simplicity of the meal; which includes the right proper food combining principles, eating the right amount at a time and only eating when you are truly hungry. Some foods take longer to digest than others and should not be eaten with foods that digest faster. Eating one type of food at a time such as fruit or vegetable would be the ideal. Variety is one way to have enjoyment when it comes to food, especially when it comes to health minded people, this should be approached with care.
Food combining: classification of foods
When eating food for health it can be classified as follows:
1. Acid Fruit: Citrus, Lemon, Tomatoes, Berries, Pineapples
2. Sub-Acid Fruit: Most tart apples, Pears, Grapes
3. Sweet Fruits: Tropical fruits, Bananas, Mangoes, Papaya, Dates, Dried fruits, Sweet apples
4. Melons: Cantaloupe, Honey-Dew, Water Melon, etc
5. Fatty: Avocadoes, Olives, Durian, Young coconuts

Nuts and Seeds
Non-Starchy Foods: Green leaves, Carrots, Fruit, Vegetables e.g. Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Zucchini
Starchy: Cooked Vegetables (roots), Grains (if necessary)
Lettuce and Celery:
The above list are foods in different categories, in part two of this article, we will go over the details of the principles of food combining for eating right. We shall tell you more about food combining in part two of this article. Look forward to it soon.

Top photo credit: Citrus Fruits by Indiana Public Media

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In text photo credit: Day #290 Nuts and seeds and stuff by edtechie99
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