First Name
Last Name
Phone No.
What are your Fitness & Nutrition goals? For example flat tummy, tone body, lose weight, gain weight, Bigger Butt etc. Be as descriptive as possible
Do you follow a current exercise regime? Yes No If yes, please explain.
Are there any physical aspect that limit your participation in exercise?
Are you currently employed? If so, what type of physical activity do you do at work? Heavy lifting sitting, etc..
Do you have any food allergies? Yes/No
Prepare a 3-Day food journal
On average how much sleep do you usually get every night?
How would you describe your current diet? (Vegetarian, Vegan, Paleo etc...)
How much time do you spend sitting or being sedentary during the day?
Do you have any exercise preferences or specific activities you enjoy?
How would you describe your health?
Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or dietary herbs or any vitamins, minerals, or supplements? Yes/No
Describe any other health conditions you have, or for which you take medication?
What is your current weight?
What is your height?
Is there any other information that you think I should know?
Are there any foods that cause you digestive issues?
What foods you will not or would prefer not to eat?